For most people, the holidays are joyful. But for the newly recovering addict, it can be a very stressful time. It can be filled with challenges, memories that may lead back to old habits, and possibly to relapse.
Relapse is defined as the return to drug or alcohol use after a period of abstinence. It is preventable, if you take steps to anticipate the challenges the holidays may present, and prepare for the people, places, things and events to come. The following tips can help you meet your goal of staying clean and sober this holiday season:
1. Create a list of phone numbers of support persons, and carry it with you. Include emergency numbers such as AA/NA hotlines.
2. Go to 12-step meetings - more often than usual.
3. Attend "clean and sober" celebrations - often sponsored by AA and NA. Avoid parties where alcohol and/or drugs may be present, especially if in early recovery.
4. If you must go to a party, call someone from your support list, possibly bring them with you, spend as little time there as possible, and make arrangements to do something "clean and sober" afterwards.
5. Practice saying "no" to offers of alcohol or drugs.
6. Help someone else. Take the focus off yourself by volunteering at a local shelter.
7. Find other ways to relax and enjoy the holidays. Distract yourself. Avoid triggers.
8. Talk to your family and friends about your goals for the holidays. Hold yourself accountable.
9. Don't give in to cravings. Remember: they will pass.
10. Have reasonable expectations. Shame, guilt and disappointment can trigger relapse.
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